1. <?php
  2. // 빈공간(스페이스바 ) 에러나서 붙였음
  3. $string = <<<XML
  4. <?xml version='1.0'?> 
  5. <document>
  6.  <title>Forty What?</title>
  7.  <from>Joe</from>
  8.  <to>Jane</to>
  9.  <body>
  10.   I know that's the answer -- but what's the question?
  11.  </body>
  12. </document>
  13. XML;

  14. $xml = simplexml_load_string($string);

  15. print_r($xml);
  16. /* xml 출력
  17.   SimpleXMLElement Object
  18.   (
  19.     [title] => Forty What?
  20.     [from] => Joe
  21.     [to] => Jane
  22.     [body] =>
  23.      I know that's the answer -- but what's the question?
  24.   )
  25. */
  26. ?>


SimpleXMLElement simplexml_load_string ( string $data [, string $class_name = "SimpleXMLElement" [, int $options = 0 [, string $ns = "" [, bool $is_prefix = false ]]]] )

3. 라인 

$data의 xml 데이터를 배열로 반환합니다.

※xml 데이터의 파일이나 url로 읽는 simplexml_load_file()함수도 있습니다.

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